How to use the Session Usage report?

Support Center > About SecureVideo Accounts and Service

Published 05/01/2017 at 3:55am UTC

Page viewed 33093 times


SecureVideo tracks session history for you: start date/time, duration, and participant list. This support article goes over how to look up session usage on your account. 


If permitted by your role, you can also look up the session history of other users on your account. 


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1. Click on the profile icon in the upper right hand corner and select "Reports" from the menu.

Profile menu, with Session Usage choice highlighted



2. Under "Session Usage", click the "Go" button.

"Go" button underneath "Session Usage"


3. If you have access to other users' history through your user role, the search will default to "All Users". You can click on the arrow for the first field to search for other users.

If you do not have this access, you will only see your own name in the drop-down menu. 

By default, the "All Sessions - Scheduled Time" parameter is used. This searches on all sessions, whether connected to or not, and sorts them according to scheduled time. Other filters:

  • Connected Sessions - Scheduled Time: to search for all sessions that were mutually connected to, sorted by the original scheduled date and time.
  • Connected Sessions - Connection Time: to search for all sessions that were mutually connected to, sorted by the connection time. 
  • Non-Connected Sessions - Scheduled Time: to search for all sessions that have been scheduled under this user, whether or not they were mutually connected to.

Set a "From Date" and "To Date", and click "Filter" to run the search.

  • Leave "From Date" and "To Date" blank to search for sessions from all time. 
  • Leave "From Date" blank to search any time before "To Date".
  • Leave "To Date" blank to search any time after "From Date". 
  • The "Invitees" field will search on the participant names that appear in either the "Attendees" or the "Invitees Not Attended" columns.
  • The "Topic" field will search on the Meeting Topic used for the session. 
  • Use the "Download List" button to export results as an Excel spreadsheet. 
  • Use the "Clear" button to remove all parameters.

Filters and export buttons



4. The columns returned in the search results are:

  • Scheduled Time: the date and time (using the timezone on your user account) the session was scheduled for.
  • Connection Time: the date and time (using the timezone on your user account) the session was mutually connected to.
  • Session #: the SecureVideo session ID number.
  • Host: the name of the user that hosted the meeting. 
  • Duration (minutes): the session duration in minutes, if the session was joined.
  • Attendees: names of participants that joined the meeting.
  • Invitees Not Attended: names of participants that were invited but did not connect to the meeting. 
  • Topic: the meeting topic set by the host or scheduler.
  • Additional Details: notes if the session was comped or not connected to, if it was a meeting with a SecureVideo staffer (such as an orientation session), and/or if any Services were paid for. 


Additional columns are included in the Excel download:

  • Type: if the session was On Demand (created using the "New Session Now" button) or Scheduled (created using the "New Scheduled Session" button). 
  • Wait Time (Minutes): approximated by the system as the amount of time that the session was active (connected to) prior to the host joining. This amount of time is INCLUDED in the "Duration (minutes)" number.
  • Scheduled By: if the session was not scheduled by the host, the name of the scheduler is displayed here. (This column is only included if at least 1 session was scheduled by a user other than the host.) If the session was scheduled through an API command, this field will simply say "API".
  • Request Notes: if the session was created as part of Virtual Clinic, any notes sent with the session request.


This article was last reviewed by our Support team on December 23, 2021.