Published 01/22/2018 at 1:30am UTC
Page viewed 33499 times
E-Documents allow the patient to fill out a form while in the virtual waiting room, and electronically sign it. Users with an Account Administrator or Clinical Supervisor role can create/edit as many templates as needed, and delete templates as well. Common uses for these E-Documents include Statements of Understanding and intake forms. For a good overview of this feature, please see the video recording of a webinar we hosted on e-documents.
This support article illustrates how to create a packet of documents--a preset grouping of documents that you want a participant to see. You will need to have at least one e-document template already created.
The system packet "All Documents" includes every document as an optional document. To require a document for a participant, you will need to create a new packet.
The system packet "No Documents" excludes every document.
The system packet "Custom Default" excludes every document by default, but its settings can be edited to include any e-document template as Require Before, Require After, or Optional.
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4. You can edit the name or description of the packet (neither is visible to the participant), and view the packet ID from here (if using the SecureVideo API).
5. If you would like to change the documents included in the packet, click on the toggles underneath the packet name. The darker color indicates the selected option for a document in a given packet, and changes to packets on this page are automatically saved.
1. Click on the profile icon and select Account Options.
2. Click to expand Scheduling.
3. Scroll to the option "Participant Document Default" and click the drop down to select your default. The change will save automatically.
This article was last reviewed by our Support team on September 22, 2023.